The RenoHUb project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, was launched in November 2019 and closed in May 2023. Within the cooperation of 5 Hungarian professional organisations, the project aimed to promote the qualitative and quantitative increase of energy renovations by applying the one-stop-shop method in Hungary, which has been successful abroad.
The final report describes the main results achieved by the project, the
brief history of the project, the challenges and opportunities. It details the elements of the online platform, the office network and the customer journey. It describes the researches carried out in the project, innovative financing opportunities, training programme for consultants and professionals, as well as pilot projects and feedbacks. They present good practices and vision about the future of RenoPont. The final report can be downloaded here.
In this document, you can find the final report in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.